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Convention Corner Visits Astronomicom 2019

This was my first time attending Astronomicon. We drove 8 hours through the night to get there and only spend the one day there. It was worth every second of that drive! For those that don’t know, I’m a big Captain Spaulding fan! I typically am seen cosplaying as the murderous clown from the FireFly family. Sid Haig, the actor who plays Cpt. Spaulding in House of 1000 Corpses and Devil’s Rejects, was one of the main celebrities in attendance.

That was my main reason for the trip. This is based around Twiztid the musical group. They are basically the main attraction there. But in true con fashion, it was packed with Vendors, Artists, Cosplay, etc. Mostly based around Horror icons. This con was a great first for me. Due to it being in a sort of big room of a hotel, it was extremely packed. They layout caused many issues with lines for celebrities blocking access to other celebrity booths as well as vendors.

Not something to cause one to never want to return, but that’s the only negative thing I can say about it. Staff was friendly and helpful. There were plenty of awesome things to see and do there. Not to toot my own horn, but I took 3rd in the top ten cosplayers that day, as I was dressed as Captain Spaulding. (toot toot) This con overall was a blast.

I definitely recommend checking this one out if you can. I plan to attend Astronomicon 3 in 2020.

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