-Matt Grisham
Being a fat kid...lets use the word Husky, it sounds nicer. Let me restart, being a Husky child meant that my life revolved around food. I loved to snack and the more over the top the snack was the more I wanted to put it in my fat...I mean husky mouth. Here is our top 10 list of discontinued 90’s treats.
10. Bubble Beeper.

Kids today wouldn’t even know what a beeper is, but in the 90’s if you had one of these sick gum containers you had it all. The Bubble Beeper keeps you in fast supply of some tasty 30 second flavor gum. This classic treat was discontinued in the mid 90’s and has never been heard from again.
9. Planters Cheez Balls

Screw Chester’s Cheetos, Planters Cheez Balls had us all in a cheesy heaven. Just the thought of their perfect amount of crunch and splash of artificial cheese power is enough to even now bring a fast beat to my heart. Though these cheese balls stuck around till 2006, they will forever be known as the perfect afternoon snackage.
8. 3D Doritos

Never will I forget the very first super bowl ad featuring this new and unusual chip. Their design made no sense, but non the less I wanted a handful in my mouth that second. This cool new chip for the generation was sure to be a hit...or was it. The 3D dorito has a short lived run and was discontinued in early 2000.
7. Hostess Chocodiles

How do we make a Twinkie better, add chocolate of course. Hostess hit a home run with this cult classic, the chocodile was thought of as the perfect desert by many. This sweet treat hung around until 1999 before being discontinued.
6. Butterfinger BB’s

This amazing candy had to be one of my favorites. Who needs m&ms, or skittles when you have Bart Simpson’s favorite food? The mascot that you couldn’t resist. Sadly though this snack was discontinued in 2006, 14 years after their creation.
5. HI-C Ecto Cooler

In the 90’s if you couldn’t get a Simpsons charater to back your snack, the next obvious step was SLIMER. This ghost with an unbelievable appetite could sell anything. Though the product was technically discontinued in 1997, Minute Made actually just renamed it Shoutin Orange Tangerine which was then taken away again in 2001
4. Melody Pops

An instrument you could eat, what parent didn’t want their kid to have one. This sucker/flute was the candy of choice for any kid that wanted to annoy their parents while they ate. Though discontinued for a while these pops are actually now back and can be purchased online. I have already bought 10 cases personally....wife is super happy.
3. Tennage Mutant Ninja Turtles Turtle Pies

This treat created two types of people, haters and lovers. There were no in between with this lie made with a sugary green crust and vanilla pudding power inside. Sadly they had one of the shortest runs of the list, being released in 1991, only to be gone by 1993. Turtle power couldn’t even keep these pies alive.
2. Squeeze-Its

No kid from the 90’s can denie their love for squeeze it’s. The amazing kool-aid type drink that came in one of the most dangerous sharp plastic bottles available. The main goal with these fruity bottle of goodness was to see how fast you could finish it, then get your tongue stuck on and let it hang off for your friends to see. Squeeze-it’s have seen a few set backs through the years. They were first removed from the shelves in early 2001, only to return in 2006. They only lasted a little under a year being removed again in 2007. The last sighting of this drink was from 2011-2012, so fingers crossed we could see it again soon.

There is no way you could do a list of lost food from the 90’s and not top that list with Dunk-a-roo. Duncan their kangaroo mascot was our best friend. Selling us icing and cookies all mixed together in this easy to handle packaging. Dunkaroos in one form or another we’re actually sold in the US until 2012 making them one of the longest on this list. Little know secret though they were still being sold up to 2018 in Canada for unknown reasons.
What food favorite from the past do you miss? Comment below!
#classicfoods #dorirtos #dunkaroos #tmntpie #butterfingerbb #rustyraptor #ectocooler #ninetys #throwback