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Make Halloween Great Again, Ghostbusters Style

It’s that time of the year again, when the Halloween stores begin announcing their new upcoming themes for everyone’s favorite month (huge generalization on my part...don’t like it? Don’t care). This year Ghostbusters fans have something to rejoice about, for Spirt Halloween has released their Ghostbusters add ons for 2019. Spirit had always been a great place to load up on your Ghostbusters fandom for the Holidays, from Proton Packs To PKE Meters they have you covered. This year though the list has gotten even better. Check out the new additions below Or on amazon at:

Our favorite thing on this years line up is their new 17ft Inflatable Ecto-1. This amazing lawn ornament will leave your neighbors asking, “Who you gonna call!” Turn your home into Ghosbustin’ headquarters with this cool light up inflatable.

Now obviously decorating your yard isn’t the only fun you can have on Halloween, so step right up and get those body decorations ready. You can finally dress like your favorite Cartoon Ghostbuster in their incarnations at Spirit from the Real Ghostbusters series.

Egon has a very girly look, but fits perfectly with the cartoon.

Venkman bringing out his model pose in this classic cartoon look.

Let’s not forget about everyone’s favorite secretary Janine.

Don‘t worry though, if you want to go a little more low key, there are styles perfect for you as well. This awesome Ghostbusters workshirt will keep you looking stylish all month, while showing off your nerdy pride.

If that wasn’t all, we can’t forget about our honorable mentions:

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