It has recently been announced that movie pass has brought back their unlimited plans, and being a previous movie pass member many friends are asking my opinions on the company. So I figured why not share my harsh opinions with everyone.
Their current deal as seen above is priced at $9.95 a month, and is billed to be a UNCAPPED, UNRIVALED, UNVELIEVABLE...GO SEE IT ALL PLAN, but if you read the fine print you will see the downfalls.
The biggest thing to note on this plan is the key phrase, “Go watch any movie available in the app”. That phrase alone is the killer, as most days of the week only ONE movie (usually ones you have never heard of) will be available. These same movies will be available each day, and each week of the month. This tiny clause will be the downfall of your movie plans, as your choices will be come very limited VERY fast...Trust me.
I have said it from the beginning and will say it again, Moviepass is a great idea, but substainability over the long haul is impossible. The poor business model works in the basic fashion of a pyramid scheme. The business constantly needs new members to sign up, in order to have the capital to maintain its current customers movie visits. This fact alone would cause concern for many people, but the company’s past indescrecrtions with profit info to investors and overall TERRIBLE costumer service makes it in my opinion come off like a sketchy guy selling watches on the street corner, rather than a business I would trust with a year contract.
So what’s my story with Moviepass you ask. I was originally signed up for a years membership of unlimited movies, yet half way through my year the company up and changed my package to reflect their new business model. Now during this time, I was forced to continue with my plan even through the plan I was now receiving was not the same. My unlimited plan was adjusted to 3 movies a month and only select movies, which unlike my original plan which was advertised as “Any movie, Any day.” My hardships with Moviepass came when I attempted to contact customer support, I was basically informed that there was not any at this current time. So just to clear things up, my plan had been changed, I wasn’t automatically locked in for a year, and there was absolutely no one to speak to about it, great. We (my wife and I) spent months, around 5 to be exact, unable to even see a movie with our pass. Such a great plan.
In short, should you sign up for a years worth of unlimited movies? Moviepass makes great promises each year, yet if you look through their track record on the past you will see they win about as many races as a three legged horse. Their cheap plans sound to good to be true and the truth is they are. If your looking to sign up for a movie plan, pay the extra and find a plan like AMC or similar deals, trust me your benifits will greatly out weigh the headaches you will find with Moviepass.